Data Privacy – who do you trust?

28 January 2021

When it comes to your privacy, who do you trust?

A recent survey of 1,000 respondents by McKinsey & Company asked business owners to rank the most trusted industries in terms of protecting privacy and data: The results were eye opening.

  • Healthcare and Financial Services – 44%
  • Pharmaceuticals/medical – 22%
  • Retail – 18%
  • Technology – 17%
  • Public sector and government – 11%
  • Media and entertainment – 10%

Not surprising, healthcare and financial services had the highest ranking with government, media, and entertainment bringing up the rear. But overall, even trust for healthcare and financial services—the highest ranked industries— isn’t all that high.

But where some might see a lack of trust, others will see opportunities. Organisations that demonstrate that they are trustworthy by handling and protecting their customer’s privacy and data carefully can stand out from their competition. It’s pretty simple, really.
Nine out of ten people are more loyal to companies they trust.

If you need some support in giving your customers the confidence that their data is safe with you, get in touch with Digicomm 360.

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