Are your computer systems protected with anti-virus software?
We can find suspicious behaviour before it takes over your computer systems as a virus…
Cybercriminals are proactive and have developed many ways to attack traditional anti virus solutions. It is our challenge to be one step ahead by looking for patterns in the data in your computer system, in real time. A proactive approach to protecting your systems before the virus even exists.
Protecting your systems from malware, malicious scripts in files and phishing…
Many traditional anti-virus programs operate on signatures—as malicious software is discovered, a signature describing the file is generated, added to a database, and then the database gets pushed out to the customer base. If the standard anti-virus discovers a file on your machine that matches a signature, that file gets quarantined and/or removed.
Here at digicomm, we operate artificial intelligent anti-virus software which uses machine learning to look for potential suspicious steps and finds them before the need to remove them. Proactive it our approach to keep you safely running.
A few reasons why our AI anti-virus package can help your business…
Proactive Approach
Be proactive and don’t worry about downtime
Cost Efficient in the Long Run
Can you afford to shut down while your data is restored from clean backups?
It Can Happen to You
Businesses experienced an average of 16.2 days of downtime at the end of 2019 due to ransomware
Fight Against the Cybercriminals
Help us fight against hackers and cybercriminals by staying one step ahead and sharing
Protect Your Data
Data is arguably your greatest asset – so how do you help safeguard that asset?
We Act So You Dont Have To
We don’t just find potential threats, we act on them immediately
AI Anti Virus
View our brochure for more information…
When poorly managed passwords cause 80% of data breaches, better password security can’t wait. digipass is fast and easy to deploy so you can quickly see progress.
Email & GDPR
Failing to protect your systems from a cyber attack is like leaving your house with the front door wide open. Secure your emails and correct your GDPR failings.
We’ve heavily invested in achieving our Cyber Essentials Plus Certification and been awarded Trusted Partner Status, this UK-wide, government-backed certification.